Below a list of our most prominent projects
Zakito Painting Project
Curaçao Tourist Office is working on refreshing Zakitó-Koredor to become an improved recreationalarea for both locals & tourists. Part of that beautification project is to enhance the area with muralart. Local artist Sander van Beusekom a.k.a Blend has been commissioned to make a 135 meterlong design. Together with What’s Your Story an assisting painting crew […]
Sensory Park Skalo – Community Project
The Sensory Park in Skalo is ready for playtime! The idea was to make the 1st “sensory floor art piece” in Curaçao, where the little ones can play endlessly for a long time to come and bringing more livelyhood to the park! It’s ready.. so come out and play! What’s Your Story ?! Creative Community […]
Fleur de Marie – community art project
The title of the community art piece made in Fleur de Marie is “Kontekta”. The hands and feet portrayed in the floor art stand for the human connection and the connection through play. When playing together, for example during sports you help each other up when you fall, you give each other a high five and […]